
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fair and Balanced

Dear Mr. Science Guy,

You make me wanna spit. Yesterday, I seen you on the tv - and it weren't no honest tv like fox news - talkin about how it ain't vaxinations causin babies to get autisitic. You must think I was born yesterday. You think I am so stupid as to not see your fancy little cover up? Huh? You think I don't know that you egg heads are just pupets for Big Pharma? And that Big Pharma is just a pupet for the goverment and Barrak Husane O'Bama? And that Husane is taking orders directly from the New World Order?

Yeah, you talk like you are on the up and up. Sayin I can go here or there on the computer, and see for myself. Well I ain't goin to some liberal website tryin to convert me in to a dam muslim! No sir. Did Barrak Husane O'Bama cry for this country? No! You know who did? Glen Beck, and he ain't said word one about vaxines NOT causin autism. And unlike your hero Keith Overman he is FAIR AND BALANCED.

So save your breath because this guy right here ain't fallin for it! I ain't gettin my boy vaxinated, and I ain't drinkin milk from no radioactive cows, and I damn sure ain't puttin no muslim back in the white house!!!

You discust me,

Grant 'Jimmy Lip' Hogan


The Other Andy said...

You tell em cuse we merican!!!!

Unknown said...

you know, it's really dishonest of you to copy a letter to the sj-r editor and paste it as your own.

Bryan Campbell said...

Freedom Fries!