When Angie was sixteen a nearly fatal combination of gull stones and pancreatitis landed her in the hospital for nearly four months. For three of these months she was fed intravenously and was allowed only occasional sips of ice water to moisten her throat. She tells me the hunger never truly departs, but it does subside to a dull roar. I asked her how long before she reached a point where she was able to ignore the hunger for maybe a few hours at a time. The answer was about three weeks.
I am a little over fourteen hours into my fast, and am experiencing my first true hunger pangs. Until now I have done a decent job ignoring my stomachs pleas for food. Sure, I was tempted while I watched The Other Andy attempt to eat those four giant pancakes (above) at Charlie Parker's, but the hunger wasn't as strong then. Now my stomach is no longer making polite requests, it is issuing demands. Its incessant nagging is interfering with my thought process.
And there is more. I have a horrible headache, and feel fatigued. Literature I have read online assures me these are symptoms of my body ridding itself of al those pesky toxins. Great. Not only are my internal organs harassing me with their cries for food; I also have to go through some type withdraw?
Oh well, only fifty-eight hours to go....
"withdrawal" implies some kind of addiction, which this isn't. this is more like your body's way of saying "HEY DUMBASS YOU ARE STARVING."
srsly, you should stop this, it achieves nothing. perhaps you would enjoy this article: http://www.ncahf.org/articles/e-i/fasting.html, particularly the section on catabolism. you are now eating your own muscles. YUM!
My body has a lot of fat to go through before it starts in on my muscles.
This achieves much more than nothing. I get to prove myself right by torturing myself, and ruining my three day weekend.
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